Attendance Guidelines:
Students are expected to attend all his/her classes.
Once a student arrives at school, he/she is expected to remain until 3:10 p.m. Students who must leave school during the day must check out through the Attendance Office on the 100 Hall.
Students are not allowed to leave campus for breakfast or lunch. Students who leave campus without properly checking out will receive disciplinary consequences. Students who check out must leave campus.
Any student who leaves school without properly checking our will be considered skipping and appropriate disciplinary action will be issued.
Students reporting 15 minutes after the tardy bell is regarded and treated as SKIPPING.
Absentee Notes:
Parents/Guardians must email excuses and other documentation (doctor's notes, court docs, etc.)
Include the student's name, student ID number, and the date(s) of absence(s):
Daily attendance at school is necessary to achieve success in course work.
Therefore, punctual and regular attendance is essential.
Certificate of Enrollment:
Request a Certificate of Enrollment for a driving permit or license by emailing the following information:

Student's NameAddress, City, State, Zip Code
Date of Birth
Male or Female
Forms will be mailed or emailed to students upon completion.
Allow two full business days to process the form PLUS time to mail the form.
Email: [email protected]